Specialist Outpatient Department & Centres


Charges for Specialists' Outpatient Consultation

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Period Mondays to Saturdays (HK$) Sundays and Public Holidays (HK$)
8am to 7:59pm $280 $350
8pm to 7:59am $430 $470
  • Please refer to "Our Doctor" section for details of in-house doctors.
  • For appointed in-house doctor consultation, charges will incur per the doctor's clinic opening hours. Please refer to the doctors consultation table for doctors' service hours.
  • Please contact our staff for charges and session of Visiting Doctor.
  • Emergency specialty consultation provided by off-duty In-house Doctors from 7pm to 8am on Monday to Saturday and whole days on Sunday and Public Holidays will be charged at $1,000 doctor fee.
  • Specialized investigation, treatment, medication and medical consumables are not included in the doctor's consultation fee.

Charges for Specialists' Consultation at Eye Centre

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Service Price (HK$)
Consultation Fee* $680

* Medicine excluded

Chargers for ENT Specialists

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  Price (HK$)
In-house Doctors $680
*Visiting Doctors

$680 up

  • Please refer to "Our Doctor" section for details of in-house doctors.
  • Specialized investigation, treatment, medication and medical consumables are not included in the doctor's consultation fee.

Chargers for Urology Specialists

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  Price (HK$)
In-house Doctors $680
  • Please refer to "Our Doctor" section for details of in-house doctors.
  • Specialized investigation, treatment, medication and medical consumables are not included in the doctor's consultation fee.

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